Vehicle Register
The Register lists vehicles certified for self containment through the NZ Lifestyle Camping testing officer network
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You may use this search feature to find basic information on more than 8500 vehicles that have been tested and certified as self contained, meeting or exceeding NZS 5465:2001, by our team of Qualified Testing Officers.
This listing is not updated on a daily basis and may not be current.
Please wait a minute for the online database search box to load (its a big file - average load time 54 seconds).
Enter vehicle licence plate number into the search box. (appears to the right)
We recommend using Carjam for checking further details on vehicles
This register only includes vehicles certified by NZ Lifestyle Camping (Ltd) and All Points Camping Club of NZ (Inc) testing officers.
The vehicles listed in this schedule have been tested and passed as complying with NZS 5465:2001 as at the time of testing. In accordance with the privacy act no personal information is publicly accessible in respect of these vehicles.
This means that the vehicles have met the requirements of the standard in being self contained for a period of three days for the number of occupants shown, as at the time of the check being completed.
All vehicles passed by NZ Lifestyle Camping Ltd or the All Points Camping Club of NZ have met the requirement of the toilet being able to be used in the vehicle with sufficient head and elbow room and the beds made up. After this test has been met the toilet may be used in a toilet tent or awning.
NZ Lifestyle Camping Ltd , the All Points Camping NZ and the respective Testing Officers have no liabiilty or responsibility for the vehicle operators subsequent changes to the self containment system , use or lack of, subsequent to the test being completed.
Gary Stoneley
Director, NZ Lifestyle Camping Ltd
Copyright 2019 NZ Lifestyle Camping Ltd